January 16th, 2020

Prioritize your family's smiles this year with these three easy steps from the American Association of Orthodontists and SmilesForever Orthodontics.
1. Get your 7-year-old into an AAO orthodontist for his or her first checkup.
Don’t wait for a dentist’s referral. It might not come and orthodontists don’t require one. Dentists may not be evaluating the child’s bite, and by age 7, your child has enough permanent teeth for an orthodontist to evaluate if a problem exists or is developing. Most orthodontists take a panoramic x-ray and photos to evaluate any concerns or potential problems with permanent teeth getting ready to break through the surface – such as extra teeth, missing teeth or teeth coming into the wrong positions.
One of three things could result from the first appointment. 1) No treatment is expected to be necessary. 2) Treatment may be needed in the future, so the child will be followed periodically while the face and jaws continue to grow. 3) There is a problem that lends itself to early treatment, and you are in the right spot to get it started!
2. Retainers – if you have one, wear it.
Set a good example for your children and make retainers part of your oral hygiene routine. Whether you’re 10, 30 or 50, it’s important to continue wearing your retainer after treatment. You brush your teeth for a lifetime, and you should wear your retainer a lifetime. Changes to the position of your teeth occur naturally throughout your life, so help make sure teeth stay put after treatment.
If your retainer no longer fits, your teeth have likely shifted, which brings us to point three.
3. Get a closer look. Set up an orthodontics evaluation to see how your smile can benefit with treatment.
SmilesForever Orthodontics offers complimentary first-visit consultations. Whether you’ve never had orthodontic treatment, or you think you need a touch up on what’s been previously done, stop in and see how doctors Brad Gilbert and Adam Wells can help to improve your smile.
What are you waiting for? Give our team a call to schedule your visit today!
Trust an AAO orthodontist.
Both Dr. Adam Wells and Dr. Brad Gilbert are members of the American Association of Orthodontists, helping patients to achieve healthy, beautiful and confident smiles at any age. Orthodontists are experts in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics – properly aligned teeth and jaws – and possess the skills and experience to give you your best smile.
Tags: braces for adults, children dental health, orthodontic health, orthodontist duluth, orthodontist flowery branch, orthodontist loganville, Dr. Brad Gilbert, Dacula Orthodontics, Dr. Adam Wells, Dr. Ron Parsons, Invisalign®, BRACES
Posted in Uncategorized, About Our Office, Invisalign, Oral Health, Orthodontics, Best of Gwinnett | No Comments
August 19th, 2019

The summer went by so fast and we’re already into a brand new school year! Getting prepared for a new year at school is exciting for kids (and parents) but, for students who may have recently gotten braces or appliances over the summer, it may feel a little stressful.
Adding changes in routine for brushing, flossing and braces-friendly foods may feel a little overwhelming in the first few days or weeks at school. Here at SmilesForever Orthodontics, we do our best to make every patient’s orthodontic experience as rewarding as possible. If you have a child who is just getting back to school with braces, here are a handful of tips we’ve put together to help make the transition smooth and stress-free!

Keep a braces kit in your purse, book bag or locker!
- Wax - is great for poking wires and to ease braces and appliances over tender areas in the mouth.
- Floss - proxy brushes get under the wire if food gets stuck.
- A toothbrush!
- Retainer Case - If you have a removable retainer or appliance, Keep that retainer case handy to store your removable retain or appliance while you eat! Remember to NEVER wrap a retainer in a napkin or store in a pocket as they are clear and hard to miss when cleaning up or washing.
- Elastics - You’ll need to replace your rubber bands after you eat. They will need to be replaced after sports too.
- Mouth Guard - Playing sports this school year? Remember your orthodontic mouth guard. Tip: Keep your mouth guard in your sports bag so that you will always know where it is!
- Allow a little extra time in the mornings so that brushing and flossing around braces doesn’t make you late for the bus!
Colors. Pick a favorite color at your next braces adjustment to coordinate morning outfit choices. Need some color inspiration? Colgate has a fantastic blog article on choosing the best braces colors. Colgate Perfect Shade for Braces

Visit our Braces Friendly Pinterest Board for easy make-ahead lunch ideas. Soft foods can be especially helpful when new to braces and after adjustments. SmilesForever Braces-Friendly Lunches

Take an unopened bottle of Ibuprofen or Tylenol, along with a doctor’s note to the school nurse. The nursing staff will happily keep the over-the-counter medication on hand for the school year, just in case there is discomfort after an adjustment.
Dr. Brad Gilbert and Dr. Adam Wells know that it can typically take a few days to adjust to new braces and appliances, where the teeth may feel a little sensitive. Some patients may experience a little tenderness after an adjustment too. Our SmilesForever team and doctors want you to have the best school year - WITH BRACES! Remember to keep to the, “Nothing hard, crunchy, sticky or chewy”, rule and you’ll be off to a great start!
Tags: braces for adults, orthodontic health, orthodontist duluth, orthodontist flowery branch, orthodontist loganville, Dr. Brad Gilbert, Dacula Orthodontics, Dr. Adam Wells, BRACES, braces for children
Posted in Uncategorized, About Our Office, Invisalign, Oral Health, Orthodontics, Patient testimonials, Best of Gwinnett | No Comments
June 11th, 2019
Taking your braces and smile on summer vacation? We’ve got tips to get you prepared!
There’s nothing worse than going on vacation and realizing you’ve left something important behind. It's happened to many of us at SmilesForever Orthodontics! To help you keep your smiles and braces in good shape over the summer Dr. Brad Gilbert and Dr. Adam Wells recommend that you prepare an orthodontic travel kit to take along with you.
What you’ll want to pack:
- Dental Wax. In case anything becomes loose or “pokey”, wax can often be applied to ease the discomfort until you are back in town and can come in to see us.
- Floss. You’ll want to keep your gums healthy by not breaking the daily flossing routine. Also, floss is handy to have on hand for some of our summer favorite foods like strawberries! You sure don’t want to flash your sparkly smile with seeds stuck in between your teeth and braces!
- Toothbrush. Who wouldn’t take a toothbrush? Those who might forget to pack it! If you’re planning a vacation in advance, ask us for a travel toothbrush at your next appointment. You can add it to your travel kit and not worry if you’ve left the trusty orthodontic toothbrush home alone!
- Homework. (AKA Rubberbands). Whether you’ve just started correcting your bite with rubberbands or are closing in on the homestretch of treatment and fine-tuning your bite with them, TAKE THEM & WEAR THEM. Not wearing rubberbands, or appliances as instructed may actually slow down your orthodontic treatment.
- Retainer(s). Yes, you’ll need to take your retainers with you on vacation to keep your teeth from moving. Always remember to put it away safely in a retainer case when not wearing.
- Invisalign® Aligners. Current Aligners will be in your mouth, but it’s a good idea to take your last set with you on vacation. If something happens to your current set, wear your most recent set and come see us as soon as you return.
Keep all of these items together in a separate “Braces Kit” and they will be easy to pack - and harder to leave behind!
To help keep your smile and braces in good health over vacation and the summer, remember to brush and floss daily, finish your homework (rubberbands & retainers) and avoid hard, crunchy and sticky foods.
Our SmilesForever Orthodontics team and doctors wish you a healthy and fun summer!
Tags: braces for adults, children dental health, orthodontist duluth, orthodontist flowery branch, orthodontist loganville, Dr. Brad Gilbert, Dacula Orthodontics, Dr. Adam Wells, Invisalign®, BRACES, braces for children
Posted in Uncategorized, About Our Office, Invisalign, Oral Health, Orthodontics, Best of Gwinnett | No Comments
May 13th, 2019

Summertime Smiles For Kids, Teens and Adults
At SmilesForever Orthodontics, we simply love helping kids and adults achieve their healthiest, most confident and beautiful smiles! With the last days of school in summer countdown, it’s the perfect time to get started on an orthodontic treatment plan for summer! Dr. Brad Gilbert and Dr. Adam Wells feel this season is a great opportunity to start improving your child’s or your own smile with braces and here’s why:
Scheduling Made Easy
Many parents worry about scheduling consultations and initial orthodontic appointments near the end of the academic season. Though we make every effort to accommodate busy schedules, we understand your concerns.
When school classes are in session, it can be a bit hectic planning appointments between work, classes, sports, homework, dance and all those extra activities that keep us busy and running around. Summer usually brings a since of calm to the school activity storm. The added benefit to slowing down is that parents schedules become less hectic too, allowing more freedom in adding the occasional orthodontic appointment to the calendar!
Time To Adjust To Wearing Braces

Getting braces before the school bell rings in the fall children, and teens can use the additional time over the summer to get used to caring for and being comfortable with their new “bling”! Some things to adapt to with new braces for children and adults can include:
- Learning proper brushing and flossing techniques
- Speaking clearly with a new appliance (and new retainers)
- Eating braces-friendly meals and snacks
- Adjusting to instrument playing
- Playing sports with a mouth guard
- Feeling comfortable with braces on the teeth
- Gaining confidence not just with braces - with blossoming smiles too!

If you’re ready to start or have your child get started on their orthodontic journey toward a beautiful, confident smile, we’re happy to help! Give us a call at any of our Dacula, Duluth, Flowery Branch and Loganville locations or request an appointment online for your FREE consultation to meet with Dr. Wells and Dr. Gilbert! After a thorough exam, our orthodontists will let you know whether you or your child can benefit from orthodontics at this time and their recommended treatment. We look forward to seeing you soon to get you started on your BEST smiles over the summer!
Tags: braces for adults, children dental health, orthodontic health, orthodontist duluth, orthodontist flowery branch, orthodontist loganville, Dr. Brad Gilbert, Dacula Orthodontics, Dr. Adam Wells, Invisalign®, BRACES, braces for children
Posted in Uncategorized, About Our Office, Invisalign, Oral Health, Orthodontics, Patient testimonials, Best of Gwinnett | No Comments