Have you always wondered WHY St. Patrick’s Day is held on the 17th of March? Drs. Brad Gilbert and Adam Wells have the answer along with other fun facts to share with you!
1. WHY MARCH 17? March 17 is the anniversary date of Saint Patrick’s death.
2. WHO WAS ST. PATRICK? His real name was Maewyn Succat. He changed his name to Patricius after becoming a priest and is most well known for his extensive missionary work in Ireland. During his thirty years of work there, it is thought that he converted over 135,000 people to Christianity, established 300 churches, and consecrated 350 bishops. He died on March 17, 461.
3. WHY ISN'T THERE ANY CORN IN THAT CORNED BEEF? Corned beef and cabbage is a traditional Saint Patrick’s Day meal. And no, it doesn’t have any grains of corn in the recipe! Instead, the name comes from the large grains of salt that were historically used to cure meats. These large salt grains were also known as “corns.”
4. WHAT’S THAT CATCHY IRISH PHRASE? You can’t attend a Saint Patrick’s Day event without hearing a cry of “Erin go Bragh.” What’s the phrase mean? It’s a translation of the Irish Éirinn go Brách, which means “Ireland Forever.”
5. WHY DO WE ONLY SEE MALE LEPRECHAUNS? In traditional Irish folk tales, there aren’t any female leprechauns, only smartly dressed tiny guys wearing green.
6. WHY DO WE DECORATE WITH SHAMROCKS? Wondering how the shamrock become associated with Saint Patrick? According to Irish legend, when St. Patrick was first introducing Christianity to Ireland, he used the three leafed plant as a metaphor for the Holy Trinity.
7. HOW MANY U.S. RESIDENTS HAVE IRISH ANCESTORY? Over 37.5 MILLION! There are seven times more people in the U.S. with Irish ancestors than in the whole population of Ireland.
8. 90 % OF AMERICANS celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and 82.2% by wearing green. The color green represents the vast green fields of Ireland.
9. THE VERY FIRST ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE WAS NOT IN IRELAND. It was held in Boston in 1737 by Irish immigrants who were observing the holiday
10. HOW DO LEPRECHAUNS GET ALL THAT GOLD? “Another little-known fact from Irish lore: Leprechauns earned that gold they’re guarding. According to legend, leprechauns spend their days making and mending shoes. It’s hard work, so you can’t blame them for being territorial about their pots of gold”.
For one day out of the year anyone can be Irish and join in the celebration - if you remember to wear GREEN! SmilesForever Orthodontics hope you’ve enjoyed these fun little St. Patrick’s Day facts. We sure have lots of patients choosing green ties for there braces this month!