Here at SmilesForever Orthodontics, we are smiling because October is National Orthodontic Health Month! We love this time of the year because it gives us a chance to educate the Gwinnett, Hall, Fulton and Walton County, GA area's about the importance of seeing an orthodontist.
We know, it's a bit interesting that National Orthodontic Health Month falls into the same month as Halloween. Dr. Wells and Dr. Gilbert didn't plan it that way, but it sure is a great reminder to our braces and appliance wearing patients. They'll need to avoid the hard, crunchy, sticky and chewy treats. If you're looking for some Ghoulishly Delicious braces-friendly recipes check out our Pinterest Board!
Orthodontics for Children
It's best for the orthodontist to see children by age 7 to advise if orthodontic treatment is required and when the best time for that patient to be treated is. The first permanent molars and incisors have usually come in by that time and crossbites, crowding, and other problems can be evaluated. When treatment is begun early, the orthodontist can guide the growth of the jaw and guide incoming permanent teeth. Early treatment can also regulate the width of the upper and lower dental arches, gain space for permanent teeth, often avoid the need for permanent tooth extractions, reduce likelihood of impacted permanent teeth, correct thumb-sucking, and eliminate abnormal swallowing or speech problems. In other words, early treatment can simplify later treatment.
Orthodontics for Adults
Orthodontic treatment can be successful at any age and adults especially appreciate the benefits of a beautiful smile. One of every five patients in orthodontic treatment is over 21. Jaw surgery is more often required for adult orthodontic patients because their jaws are not growing. Adults also may have experienced some breakdown or loss of their teeth and bone that supports the teeth and may require periodontal treatment before, during, and/or after orthodontic treatment. Bone loss can also limit the amount and direction of tooth movement that is advisable.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
We want to acknowledge that we share this month with Breast Cancer Awareness. Being aware of your overall health is extremely important and just as important as your dental health. We want to remind both men and women to take control of this disease by doing your best to be aware, educate those around you, and get checked out! Getting a head start on this fight saves lives!